What better to say "I love you" than to get your love's name tattooed on your chest.

For the ladies, there are two fabulous options. There's a large heart with a scroll running across it for your loved one's name, surrounded by blue roses, or two red roses with the scroll for the name and a couple of smaller hearts to choose from.

For the blokes, there also is two options. The first has a dagger through the scroll with his loved one's name enscribed on it, and a red rose hiding behind it. The second has a big red heart with the name scrolled across it, a knife stabbing into it and blue whisps surrounding them.
Ok so how do you get your loved one's name on these? Simple!
1. To get the name put on this tattoo just make a folder and include in the folder the tattoo that came with this package and a notecard telling what name to put on the scroll.
2. Send that folder to Natasha Leckrone and she will get the tattoo personalized for you and send it back to you!
3. Once you have sent her the folder please send an IM to let her know what the name of the folder is so she knows to look for it in her inventory.